Referred to as psychotherapy, counselling, talk therapy, or just therapy, this form of mental health assistance is a lifeline for individuals grappling with emotional turmoil, life’s hurdles, and mental health disorders.
As the global community grapples with the devastating impact of the novel coronavirus and physical distancing becomes a public health imperative, many individuals are leveraging online platforms.
Stumbling upon an engaging article penned by Jenna Wortham in The New York Times recently coincided with my exploration of Sherry Turkle’s new book, Alone Together, specifically the section focused on those tormented by the fear of potentially missing something significant.
Lesbian individuals encounter mental health concerns, distinct from those experienced by other members of the LGBT community, as they belong to a marginalized subgroup within an already marginalized community.
According to social psychologist and author of The Book of No, Susan Newman, Ph.D, individuals who are people-pleasers desire to keep everyone around them content, and they will comply with any request to maintain this state.
Introduction Suicide is a global public health issue that affects individuals and communities worldwide. It is a complex phenomenon with numerous contributing factors, and its impact is far-reaching. In recent years, suicide rates have been on the rise, and it is essential that we understand the facts and figures surrounding this issue. In this blog […]